Great Ideas For Civic Engagement from the Brookings Institute
Civic engagement is the glue that holds self-government together. Self-government takes work and effort. Here are some things you can do:
Stay Informed -
Shadow a public servant for a day
Deep dive into the Constitution
Vote -
Make a voting pact with your friends or family
Volunteer to register voters
If you are a boss, give your employees time off to vote
Volunteer to work at a polling place
Offer to drive elderly voters or those without transportation to the polls
If you own a business, offer discounts to people who provide proof of voting on election day. If you work at a business, ask your boss to consider this
Pay attention to all deadlines and election days. Mark them on your calendar
Participate -
Communicate with your elected officials
Write a letter to the editor
Attend a city or county commission meeting
Join a political campaign
Attend school board meetings
*** Run For Office ***
Build Community -
Pick up trash
Volunteer at a pantry, soup kitchen, or food bank
If you own a gun, participate in a gun safety course
Donate to a cause
Want more ideas? Go to the Brookings Institute 76 Checklist for Civic Engagement. Then, help the BCDP and help save Democracy. It’s worth it.